Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Grace Kids ministry exists to see kids and their families become fully devoted followers of Jesus with a strong heart for God. Our mission is to reach kids and their families, teach them about Jesus and then send them out to do the same. Grace Kids is led by a team of staff and volunteers who are passionate about our mission! We would love to have your children join us.

Sunday Mornings
Grace Kids Sunday School is for kids from
K - 5th grade. Our classed are led by volunteers who are passionate about teaching them about Jesus, all while loving them the way that Jesus loves.
K - 5th grade. Our classed are led by volunteers who are passionate about teaching them about Jesus, all while loving them the way that Jesus loves.
At Grace we love for our kids to learn and experience worship with their families. We begin every Sunday Worship Service together and then our kids K - 5th grade are dismissed to Kids church during the teaching time. Once a month is Family Sunday and everyone stays in service and worships and learns together.
Wednesday Nights
6pm - 7:30pm